Nep Nep
(Powdered on customer recommendation. The price per kilo) The nep-nep is a miraculous fruit native to tropical African areas. It is known for its very effective medicinal properties. Used in the manufacture of several drugs, nep-nep is at the center of improving the sex life of couples especially women for connoisseurs. Nep-nep is highly valued in the maintenance of the female reproductive system and very effective against vaginal itching and abnormal white discharge. It is a powerful antibiotic, antimalarial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anti bacteria, anti fungal etc. whose benefits naturally go beyond the perimeter of sexuality. Chewing the bark of the nep-nep could help treat sore throats and coughs. The combination of acacia nilotica leaves + milk + sugar would help in the treatment of bronchitis. Digestive troubles could be solved by boiling its roots. It corrects gastric odors, and oral ailments. Powerful aphrodisiac for men The leaves rich in protein, the roots or its fruits provide good energy contributions that make this plant popular as an aphrodisiac, and treats male problems of all kinds. In women, this fruit firms the vagina after multiple childbirths. Effective aphrodisiac product, it narrows the vagina, sensitizes the clitoris, increases sexual desire. It fights vaginal odor, profuse white discharge and itching. Associated with gongoli and clove in boiled decoction, the pod of nep-nep would treat infections and maintain the private parts of women. The trio would also stimulate female libido. We also recommend a decoction of the root bark for all genital wounds whether orally (to drink) or dermatologically (during a bath) very used by women in sitz bath or by purging.